by Amy Nelson
In the southeastern North Carolina town of Pembroke, it’s hard to come by anyone who hasn’t heard the name Henry Berry Lowery. The 19th-century Native American is a cultural icon for the Lumbee population there. In 1976 a musical drama was created about Lowery’s life called “Strike at the Wind.” The production ran out of money and ceased running last year. Historian Malinda Maynor wants to revitalize the show as a way to sustain both the local economy and the Lumbee culture.
This musical is about my family. I just recently learned I am a related to Henry Berry Lowery. Me great great grandfather was Thomas Lowery. I wish I could find this story/movie but am having zero luck. If you can point me in the right direction to finding it I’d be so grateful! !
Deborah Miller says
Hi Dana,
That podcast is quite old and all of our current staff is unfamiliar with the author, Amy Nelson. But let us try to see if we can reach out to our former director and see if she has any contact information for her.
North Carolina Folklife Institute
Deborah Miller says
Hi Dana,
Here are a couple of links to try:
Best of luck,
Frank Fusion says
“The LEGEND of Henry Berry Lowrie”, 2014, by Warren R. Reichel – is an original telling of historically documented events (in correct sequence order) – that is a cut-to-the-chase action-packed pager-turner and a fun read!
This January 1, 2015 will be the150th Anniversary of the events known as the “Lowrie War” and this new story recalls those hard times (Jan. 1, 1865 thru Feb. 19, 1872). The story takes the reader on an emotional roller-coaster as dictated by those desperate uncertain times. Though the surprise ending will leave the reader cheering!
This remarkable story is of the “Blue-eyed Indian and Champion of the poor” . Henry Berry Lowrie. North Carolina’s own true Robin Hood.
If the Governor of North Carolina would read this book, a posthumous pardon would be granted to Henry Berry Lowrie.
Mrs Lumbeelady says
All I have to say is, we are true Native Americians ( Lumbee ) . My family is direct related to Henry Berry Lowrie. I am proud to be Lumbee Native Americian. We have been trying to get-our Federal Recognition for many years now. We are recognized by our State were most our people live.
Someday we will achieve our long life accomplishment. We will not give in and let the Government say we are not who we say we are. There are mixed race in all tribes, so stop making excuses and give us our rightful and our birth rights. We are proud people and we will not stand by and let our voices not be heard.