Are you a closet chowhound with a passion for our state’s culinary history? A connoisseur of little country cafes, old recipes, and backyard barbecues? Do you turn every road trip into a chance to learn more history, and also a chance to find a new local delicacy or a great new restaurant? If you answered “yes” to any of these, we’re looking for you.
The North Carolina Folklife Institute is looking for folks who have something to say about how North Carolina eats. Our blog, NC Food, is a space to share stories about traditional NC foodways, local and regional recipes, restaurants that epitomize North Carolina culture old and new, and personal experiences rooted in North Carolina cooking and eating.
For the past five years, historian David Cecelski has been NC Food’s primary blogger. Topics for his posts have ranged across the state and across cultures. David has written about liver mush in Kernersville, pickled hot sausages in Comfort, and churros rellanos at Durham’s Green Flea Market. He’s introduced readers to restaurants, markets, and interesting food customs from Murphy to Manteo.
As David moves on to other projects, we’re eager to open up NC Food to a wide range of voices across the state, and we hope your voice will be one of them. We’re looking for posts ranging from approximately 400 to 700 words, on all manner of subjects relating to North Carolina food—recipes and restaurant reviews, regional and group traditions. We’re looking for what you might expect—posts on barbecue joints and biscuits, collard greens and canning—and what might come as a surprise. We’d love to hear more about Hmong sticky rice and Poat Dot made with corn grown in the Piedmont, or how the farm-to-table movement has changed your life.
Our going rate is $25 per post, and we’re ready to start reading and posting. Please send your best stuff to Deborah Miller ( along with your bio.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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