Latino immigration has impacted North Carolina’s culture in a variety of ways. You can see it in the number of Mexican restaurants here, or in the presence of Univision, the Spanish-language TV network.
Agri-tourism in North Carolina’s Happy Valley
by Leda Hartman North Carolina’s Happy Valley, in the Blue Ridge foothills, is known for its pristine beauty and its traditional music and stories. Development is threatening to eclipse the community’s old way of life. But one local farmer is determined not to let that happen. Tony Jones hopes to protect the Happy Valley’s heritage… Read More →
Prime Time Steppers
by Leda Hartman Stepping is a performance and movement style popularized a century ago by African American fraternities and sororities. Stepping has a strong link to the past, with roots that go all the way back to Africa. But it also has a vibrant future. These days, younger kids of all races are doing it…. Read More →
North Carolina Arts Incubator
by Leda Hartman Many small towns across the country that are suffering from economic decline have turned to the arts to rejuvenate their communities. In North Carolina, the piedmont town of Siler City has opened a new arts incubator that will eventually be the largest one of its kind in the country. Leda Hartman takes… Read More →